Coil Pots
What you will need to purchase prior to starting:
1. Bowl to lay the coils inside (It can be made out of any material).
(Students had to provide their own bowl that was a minimum of 5" tall x 10" wide.)
2. Plastic to lay in the bowl. Dry cleaning plastic works best.
3. Clay
4. Glazes
5. Paint brushes
6. Rubber rib
7. Modeling tool
8. Glaze sponge
9. Scoring tool
Step 1. Take your bowl and lay plastic inside. The plastic must be inside at all times so your coils do not stick. Even if your bowl is made out of plastic it is much easier taking your pot out of your bowl if there is dry cleaning plastic laid in your bowl.
Step 2. Roll out a base by either rolling up a tight coil and smoothing both sides with a modeling tool or use a slab roller to roll out a slab that is 1/4 of an inch in thickness. Use the base of the bowl to cut a circle that fits inside.
Step 3. Slip and score your coils to your base. Your foundation is the most important in your coil pot project.
Step 4. Begin to make your coiling designs. Smooth out the inside of your coil pot to reinforce your coils. The outside will be left not smooth so all of your design work will be exposed.
Step 5. Once all of your coils are attached and smoothed inside of your bowl it is time to remove your project from the bowl. Carefully lift the plastic out by the rim and peal away the plastic.
Step 6. Smooth, smooth, smooth! Using
your fingers, modeling tool, and sponge,
smooth inside the creases of your coil pot.
You will have scoring tool marks that need
to be smoothed. Be sure to flip your bowl
upside down to smooth the base and the
first few coils that are attached. These will
Step 7. Bisque fire
Step 8. Choose your glaze color for the inside of your project. Apply 3 even layers of glaze.
Step 9. Choose the glaze color(s) for the outside. To inlay the glaze students should apply 1 thick layer all over the outside of the coil pot.
Step 10. Let the glaze dry 100%. When the glaze is dry bring it by the sink area and wipe away the glaze on the outside with a glaze sponge. Keep wiping and rinsing out the sponge. Once only the glaze in the lines is left then allow the damp pot to dry again.
Step 11. Apply 3 layers of clear glaze.
Step 12. Glaze fire